Fastlane For Mac Apps

Unlike the software developed for Windows system, most of the applications installed in Mac OS X generally can be removed with relative ease. Fastlane 0.36.6 is a third party application that provides additional functionality to OS X system and enjoys a popularity among Mac users. However, instead of installing it by dragging its icon to the Application folder, uninstalling Fastlane 0.36.6 may need you to do more than a simple drag-and-drop to the Trash.

Every time you run fastlane, use bundle exec fastlane lane On your CI, add sudo bundle install as your first build step; To update fastlane, just run sudo bundle update fastlane; RubyGems (macOS/Linux/Windows) sudo gem install fastlane -NV Homebrew (macOS) brew install fastlane Setting up fastlane. Navigate to your iOS or Android app and run. One of the powerful and strongest apps on the app store is Fastlane: Road to for Mac which is holding the average rating of 4.6. This Fastlane: Road to provides the current version for Mac to install on your device. Fastlane works by having tools at its core that help you build your app. On top of the build tools, there are over 170 built-in integrations with services like Crashlytics, HockeyApp, TestFlight, and more plugins that third parties make and publish so you can connect to other services and more. Deliver is part of fastlane: The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. Upload hundreds of localized screenshots completely automatically; Upload a new ipa/pkg file to App Store Connect without Xcode from any Mac; Maintain your app metadata locally and push changes back to App Store Connect.

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When installed, Fastlane 0.36.6 creates files in several locations. Generally, its additional files, such as preference files and application support files, still remains on the hard drive after you delete Fastlane 0.36.6 from the Application folder, in case that the next time you decide to reinstall it, the settings of this program still be kept. But if you are trying to uninstall Fastlane 0.36.6 in full and free up your disk space, removing all its components is highly necessary. Continue reading this article to learn about the proper methods for uninstalling Fastlane 0.36.6.

Manually uninstall Fastlane 0.36.6 step by step:

Most applications in Mac OS X are bundles that contain all, or at least most, of the files needed to run the application, that is to say, they are self-contained. Thus, different from the program uninstall method of using the control panel in Windows, Mac users can easily drag any unwanted application to the Trash and then the removal process is started. Despite that, you should also be aware that removing an unbundled application by moving it into the Trash leave behind some of its components on your Mac. To fully get rid of Fastlane 0.36.6 from your Mac, you can manually follow these steps:

1. Terminate Fastlane 0.36.6 process(es) via Activity Monitor

Before uninstalling Fastlane 0.36.6, you’d better quit this application and end all its processes. If Fastlane 0.36.6 is frozen, you can press Cmd +Opt + Esc, select Fastlane 0.36.6 in the pop-up windows and click Force Quit to quit this program (this shortcut for force quit works for the application that appears but not for its hidden processes).

Open Activity Monitor in the Utilities folder in Launchpad, and select All Processes on the drop-down menu at the top of the window. Select the process(es) associated with Fastlane 0.36.6 in the list, click Quit Process icon in the left corner of the window, and click Quit in the pop-up dialog box (if that doesn’t work, then try Force Quit).

2. Delete Fastlane 0.36.6 application using the Trash

First of all, make sure to log into your Mac with an administrator account, or you will be asked for a password when you try to delete something.

Open the Applications folder in the Finder (if it doesn’t appear in the sidebar, go to the Menu Bar, open the “Go” menu, and select Applications in the list), search for Fastlane 0.36.6 application by typing its name in the search field, and then drag it to the Trash (in the dock) to begin the uninstall process. Alternatively you can also click on the Fastlane 0.36.6 icon/folder and move it to the Trash by pressing Cmd + Del or choosing the File and Move to Trash commands.

For the applications that are installed from the App Store, you can simply go to the Launchpad, search for the application, click and hold its icon with your mouse button (or hold down the Option key), then the icon will wiggle and show the “X” in its left upper corner. Click the “X” and click Delete in the confirmation dialog.

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3. Remove all components related to Fastlane 0.36.6 in Finder

Though Fastlane 0.36.6 has been deleted to the Trash, its lingering files, logs, caches and other miscellaneous contents may stay on the hard disk. For complete removal of Fastlane 0.36.6, you can manually detect and clean out all components associated with this application. You can search for the relevant names using Spotlight. Those preference files of Fastlane 0.36.6 can be found in the Preferences folder within your user’s library folder (~/Library/Preferences) or the system-wide Library located at the root of the system volume (/Library/Preferences/), while the support files are located in '~/Library/Application Support/' or '/Library/Application Support/'.

Open the Finder, go to the Menu Bar, open the “Go” menu, select the entry:|Go to Folder.. and then enter the path of the Application Support folder:~/Library

Search for any files or folders with the program’s name or developer’s name in the ~/Library/Preferences/, ~/Library/Application Support/ and ~/Library/Caches/ folders. Right click on those items and click Move to Trash to delete them.

Meanwhile, search for the following locations to delete associated items:

  • /Library/Preferences/
  • /Library/Application Support/
  • /Library/Caches/

Besides, there may be some kernel extensions or hidden files that are not obvious to find. Studio one 4 vocal effects. In that case, you can do a Google search about the components for Fastlane 0.36.6. Usually kernel extensions are located in in /System/Library/Extensions and end with the extension .kext, while hidden files are mostly located in your home folder. You can use Terminal (inside Applications/Utilities) to list the contents of the directory in question and delete the offending item.

4. Empty the Trash to fully remove Fastlane 0.36.6

If you are determined to delete Fastlane 0.36.6 permanently, the last thing you need to do is emptying the Trash. To completely empty your trash can, you can right click on the Trash in the dock and choose Empty Trash, or simply choose Empty Trash under the Finder menu (Notice: you can not undo this act, so make sure that you haven’t mistakenly deleted anything before doing this act. If you change your mind, before emptying the Trash, you can right click on the items in the Trash and choose Put Back in the list). In case you cannot empty the Trash, reboot your Mac.

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Tips for the app with default uninstall utility:

You may not notice that, there are a few of Mac applications that come with dedicated uninstallation programs. Though the method mentioned above can solve the most app uninstall problems, you can still go for its installation disk or the application folder or package to check if the app has its own uninstaller first. If so, just run such an app and follow the prompts to uninstall properly. After that, search for related files to make sure if the app and its additional files are fully deleted from your Mac.

Automatically uninstall Fastlane 0.36.6 with MacRemover (recommended):

No doubt that uninstalling programs in Mac system has been much simpler than in Windows system. But it still may seem a little tedious and time-consuming for those OS X beginners to manually remove Fastlane 0.36.6 and totally clean out all its remnants. Why not try an easier and faster way to thoroughly remove it?

If you intend to save your time and energy in uninstalling Fastlane 0.36.6, or you encounter some specific problems in deleting it to the Trash, or even you are not sure which files or folders belong to Fastlane 0.36.6, you can turn to a professional third-party uninstaller to resolve troubles. Here MacRemover is recommended for you to accomplish Fastlane 0.36.6 uninstall within three simple steps. MacRemover is a lite but powerful uninstaller utility that helps you thoroughly remove unwanted, corrupted or incompatible apps from your Mac. Now let’s see how it works to complete Fastlane 0.36.6 removal task.

1. Download MacRemover and install it by dragging its icon to the application folder.
2. Launch MacRemover in the dock or Launchpad, select Fastlane 0.36.6 appearing on the interface, and click Run Analysis button to proceed.
3. Review Fastlane 0.36.6 files or folders, click Complete Uninstall button and then click Yes in the pup-up dialog box to confirm Fastlane 0.36.6 removal.

The whole uninstall process may takes even less than one minute to finish, and then all items associated with Fastlane 0.36.6 has been successfully removed from your Mac!

Benefits of using MacRemover:

MacRemover has a friendly and simply interface and even the first-time users can easily operate any unwanted program uninstallation. With its unique Smart Analytic System, MacRemover is capable of quickly locating every associated components of Fastlane 0.36.6 and safely deleting them within a few clicks. Thoroughly uninstalling Fastlane 0.36.6 from your mac with MacRemover becomes incredibly straightforward and speedy, right? You don’t need to check the Library or manually remove its additional files. Actually, all you need to do is a select-and-delete move. As MacRemover comes in handy to all those who want to get rid of any unwanted programs without any hassle, you’re welcome to download it and enjoy the excellent user experience right now!

This article provides you two methods (both manually and automatically) to properly and quickly uninstall Fastlane 0.36.6, and either of them works for most of the apps on your Mac. If you confront any difficulty in uninstalling any unwanted application/software, don’t hesitate to apply this automatic tool and resolve your troubles. Photoshop elements 4.0 mac download.

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Google Fastlane

App Center Distribute will let your users install a new version of the app when you distribute it via App Center. With a new version of the app available, the SDK will present an update dialog to the users to either download or postpone the new version. Once they choose to update, the SDK will start to update your application.


Google Play considers the in-app update code as malicious behavior even if it isn’t used at runtime. Use a variant of the Distribute SDK as directed in this section before submitting your app to Google Play. Failure to not remove the in-app update code can lead to noncompliance and removal of the app from Google Play.


If you are running automated UI tests, enabled in-app updates will block your automated UI tests as they will try to authenticate against the App Center backend. We recommend to not enable App Center Distribute for your UI tests.

Add in-app updates to your app

Follow the Get started section if you haven't set up and started the SDK in your application, yet.

1. Add the App Center Distribute module

The App Center SDK is designed with a modular approach – a developer only needs to integrate the modules of the services that they're interested in.

Visual Studio for Mac

  • Open Visual Studio for Mac.
  • Click File > Open and choose your solution.
  • In the solution navigator, right click the Packages section, and choose Add NuGet packages...
  • Search for App Center, and install App Center Distribute.
  • Click Add Packages.

Visual Studio for Windows

  • Open Visual Studio for Windows.
  • Click File > Open and choose your solution.
  • In the solution navigator, right-click References and choose Manage NuGet Packages.
  • Search for App Center, and install Microsoft.AppCenter.Distribute.

Package Manager Console

  • Open the console in Visual Studio. To do this, choose Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console.
  • If you're working in Visual Studio for Mac, make sure you have the NuGet Package Management Extensions installed. For this, choose Visual Studio > Extensions, search for NuGet and install, if necessary.
  • Type the following command in the console:


If you use the App Center SDK in a portable project (such as Xamarin.Forms), you must install the packages in each of the projects: the portable, Android, and iOS ones. To do that, you should open each sub-project and follow the corresponding steps described in Visual Studio for Mac or Visual Studio for Windows sections.

2. Start App Center Distribute

To use App Center, you must opt in to the module(s) that you want to use. By default no modules are started and you will have to explicitly call each of them when starting the SDK.

2.1 Add App Center Distribute imports

Add the App Center Distribute imports before you get started with using Distribute module:

  • Xamarin.iOS - Open the project's AppDelegate.cs file and add the following lines below the existing using statements
  • Xamarin.Android - Open the project's MainActivity.cs file and add the following lines below the existing using statements
  • Xamarin.Forms - Open the project's App.xaml.cs file and add the following lines below the existing using statements

2.2 Add the Start() method

Add Distribute to your Start() method to start App Center Distribute service.


Open the project's AppDelegate.cs file and add the Start() call inside the FinishedLaunching() method


Open the project's MainActivity.cs file and add the Start() method call inside the OnCreate() method:

To enable in-app updates for debug builds on Android, call the following method before AppCenter.Start:


To create a Xamarin.Forms app targeting both Android and iOS platforms, you must create two apps in the App Center portal - one for each platform. Creating two apps will give you two App secrets - one for Android and another one for iOS. Open the project's App.xaml.cs (or your class that inherits from Xamarin.Forms.Application) in the shared or portable project and add the Start() call inside the OnStart() override method.

Google fastlane

For your iOS application, open the AppDelegate.cs and add the following line before the call to LoadApplication:

This step is not necessary on Android where the debug configuration is detected automatically at runtime.

To enable in-app updates for debug builds on Android, call the following method in the project's MainActivity.cs file, in the OnCreate method and before LoadApplication.


This method only affects debug builds, and has no impact on release builds.

2.3 [For iOS only] Modify the project's Info.plist

App Center SDK checks urls redirecting to the application to avoid sideloading, so in order for updates distributed through the portal to be handled correctly, you would need to specify CFBundleURLSchemes in CFBundleURLTypes section of Info.plist file:


Info.plist, or an information property list file is a structured text file that contains essential configuration information for a bundled executable.You can find more information about it in Apple developer documentation.

  1. Add a new key for URL types or CFBundleURLTypes in your Info.plist file (in case Xcode displays your Info.plist as source code).
  2. Change the key of the first child item to URL Schemes or CFBundleURLSchemes.
  3. Enter appcenter-${APP_SECRET} as the URL scheme and replace ${APP_SECRET} with the App Secret of your app.

Fastlane The Game


If you want to verify that you modified the Info.plist correctly, open it as source code. It should contain the following entry with your App Secret instead of ${APP_SECRET}:

Remove in-app updates for Google Play builds

Google Play considers the in-app update code as malicious behavior even if it isn’t used at runtime. Failure to not remove the in-app update code can lead to noncompliance and removal of the app from Google Play. In order to make it easier, we provide the version of App Center Distribute SDK with stubbed APIs, so the only change for you is just a dependency swap.

  1. Add a new build configuration named GooglePlay for your Xamarin.Android project. Make sure that the project build configuration is correctly mapped to the appropriate solution configuration. See Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac instructions for more details.

  2. Open Xamarin.Android project's .csproj in any text editor and move distribute reference into the conditional item group:


    If you are using old packages.config format to manage NuGet references, you can migrate to a PackageReference format, follow the migration instruction.

  3. Save your changes and restore NuGet packages.

  4. You can change the configuration in the command bar at the top of the IDE.

Use private distribution group

By default, Distribute uses a public distribution group. If you want to use a private distribution group, you will need to explicitly set it via UpdateTrack property.


The default value is UpdateTrack.Public. This property can only be updated before the AppCenter.Start method call. Changes to the update track are not persisted when the application process restarts, and so if the property is not always updated before the AppCenter.Start call, it will be public, by default.

After this call, a browser window will open up to authenticate the user. All the subsequent update checks will get the latest release on the private track. The update track is not persisted in the SDK across app launches.

If a user is on the private track, it means that after the successful authentication, they will get the latest release from any private distribution groups they are a member of.If a user is on the public track, it means that they will get the latest release from any public distribution group.

Disable Automatic Check for Update

By default, the SDK automatically checks for new releases:

  • When the application starts.
  • When the application goes into background then in foreground again.
  • When enabling the Distribute module if previously disabled.

If you want to check for new releases manually, you can disable automatic check for update.To do this, call the following method before the SDK start:


This method must be called before the AppCenter.Start method call.

Then you can use the CheckForUpdate API which is described in the following section.

Manually Check for Update


A manual check for update call works even when automatic updates are enabled. A manual check for update is ignored if another check is already being performed. The manual check for update will not be processed if the user has postponed updates (unless the latest version is a mandatory update).

Customize or localize the in-app update dialog

1. Customize or localize text You can easily provide your own resource strings if you'd like to localize the text displayed in the update dialog. Look at the string files for iOS in this resource file and those for Android in this resource file. Use the same string name/key and specify the localized value to be reflected in the dialog in your own app resource files.

2. Customize the update dialog

You can customize the default update dialog's appearance by implementing the ReleaseAvailable callback. You need to register the callback before calling AppCenter.Start as shown in the following example:

Here is an example on Xamarin.Forms of the callback implementation that replaces the SDK dialog with a custom one:

Implementation notes for Xamarin.Android:

As shown in the example, you have to either call Distribute.NotifyUpdateAction(UpdateAction.UPDATE); or Distribute.NotifyUpdateAction(UpdateAction.POSTPONE); if your callback returns true.

If you don't call NotifyUpdateAction, the callback will repeat on every activity change.

The callback can be called again with the same release if the activity changes before the user action is notified to the SDK.

This behavior is needed to cover the following scenarios:

  • Your application is sent to the background (like pressing HOME) then resumed in a different activity.
  • Your activity is covered by another one without leaving the application (like clicking on some notifications).
  • Other similar scenarios.

In that case, the activity hosting the dialog might be replaced without user interaction. So the SDK calls the listener again so that you can restore the custom dialog.


Enable or disable App Center Distribute at runtime

You can enable and disable App Center Distribute at runtime. If you disable it, the SDK will not provide any in-app update functionality but you can still use Distribute service in App Center portal.

To enable App Center Distribute again, use the same API but pass true as a parameter.

You don't need to await this call to make other API calls (such as IsEnabledAsync) consistent.

The state is persisted in the device's storage across application launches.


This method must only be used after Distribute has been started.

Check if App Center Distribute is enabled

You can also check if App Center Distribute is enabled or not:


This method must only be used after Distribute has been started, it will always return false before start.

How do in-app updates work?


For in-app updates to work, an app build should be downloaded from the link. It won't work if installed from an IDE or manually.

The in-app updates feature works as follows:

Fastlane For Mac Apps App

  1. This feature only works with RELEASE builds (by default) that are distributed using App Center Distribute service. It won't work if the iOS Guided Access feature is turned on.

  2. Once you integrate the SDK, build release version of your app and upload to App Center, users in that distribution group will be notified for the new release via an email.

  3. When each user opens the link in their email, the application will be installed on their device. It's important that they use the email link to install - we do not support side-loading. When an application is downloaded from the link, the SDK saves important information from cookies to check for updates later, otherwise the SDK doesn’t have that key information.

  4. If the application sets the track to private, a browser will open to authenticate the user and enable in-app updates. The browser will not open again as long as the authentication information remains valid even when switching back to the public track and back to private again later. If the browser authentication is successful, the user is redirected back to the application automatically. If the track is public (which is the default), the next step happens directly.

    • On iOS 9 and 10, an instance of SFSafariViewController will open within the app to authenticate the user. It will close itself automatically after the authentication succeeded.
    • On iOS 11, the user experience is similar to iOS 10 but iOS 11 will ask the user for their permission to access login information. This is a system level dialog and it cannot be customized. If the user cancels the dialog, they can continue to use the version they are testing, but they won't get in-app-updates. They will be asked to access login information again when they launch the app the next time.
  5. A new release of the app shows the in-app update dialog asking users to update your application if it has:

    • iOS:

      • a higher value of CFBundleShortVersionString or
      • an equal value of CFBundleShortVersionString but a higher value of CFBundleVersion.
      • the versions are the same but the build unique identifier is different.
    • Android:

      • a higher value of versionCode or
      • an equal value of versionCode but a different value of versionName.


If you upload the same apk/ipa a second time, the dialog will NOT appear as the binaries are identical. On iOS, if you upload a new build with the same version properties, it will show the update dialog. The reason for this is that it is a different binary. On Android, binaries are considered the same if both version properties are the same.

How do I test in-app updates?

You need to upload release builds (that use the Distribute module of the App Center SDK) to the App Center Portal to test in-app updates, increasing version numbers every time.

  1. Create your app in the App Center Portal if you haven't done that already.
  2. Create a new distribution group and name it so you can recognize that this is just meant for testing the in-app update feature.
  3. Add yourself (or all people who you want to include on your test of the in-app update feature). Use a new or throw-away email address for this, that was not used for that app on App Center. This ensures that you have an experience that's close to the experience of your real testers.
  4. Create a new build of your app that includes App Center Distribute and contains the setup logic as described below. If the group is private, don't forget to set the private in-app update track before start using the UpdateTrack property.
  5. Click on the Distribute new release button in the portal and upload your build of the app.
  6. Once the upload has finished, click Next and select the Distribution group that you just created as the Destination of that app distribution.
  7. Review the Distribution and distribute the build to your in-app testing group.
  8. People in that group will receive an invite to be testers of the app. Once they accept the invite, they can download the app from the App Center Portal from their mobile device. Once they have in-app updates installed, you're ready to test in-app updates.
  9. Bump the version of your app (CFBundleShortVersionString or CFBundleVersion for iOS, versionCode for Android)
  10. Build the release version of your app and upload a new build of your app just like you did in the previous step and distribute this to the Distribution Group you created earlier. Members of the Distribution Group will be prompted for a new version the next time the app starts.


Have a look at the information on how to utilize App Center Distribute for more detailed information about Distribution Groups etc.While it is possible to use App Center Distribute to distribute a new version of your app without adding any code, adding App Center Distribute to your app's code will result in a more seamless experience for your testers and users as they get the in-app update experience.

Disable automatic forwarding of application delegate's methods to App Center services

App Center uses swizzling to automatically forward your application delegate's methods to App Center services to improve SDK integration. There is a possibility of conflicts with other third party libraries or the application delegate itself. In this case, you might want to disable the App Center application delegate forwarding for all App Center services by following the steps below:

  1. Open the project's Info.plist file.
  2. Add AppCenterAppDelegateForwarderEnabled key and set the value to 0. This will disable application delegate forwarding for all App Center services.
  3. Add OpenUrl callback in your AppDelegate.cs file.